Coach Profile

ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter

  • Rini Haerinnisya


Rini has over 20 years of Professional experiences in the area of Communication, Marketing, and Technology. She’s a member of International Coach Federation since 2016, and is currently holding a PCC Credential from International Coach Federation.
She has coached over 100 professionals from across the globe and over 800hrs of experiences.Her clients are high performing individual who often ask “What’s Next?”, having challenges in transitional leadership and often having values of contribution in self-development. Her approach is holistic and intuitive ensuring the wellbeing and performance of her clients.

Rini uses a variety of coaching types from leadership, communications, business, women specific and well-being. Her counterparts vary from executives, c-suite, and business owners. Rini believes that a person is a whole, hence their persona is linked to who they are within; as there is no such thing as work-life balance as work is part of life.

During a coaching engagement Rini’s priority is to focus on the counterpart’s potential performance and resources. Rini uses strength-based and presence-based coaching to optimise both performance and wellbeing. She includes a combination of Clean Language, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence within the engagement whenever needed and permitted by counterpart.

Her background in Communications provided her access to explore human behaviour in the industry. Expanding from Communication and Advertising to Marketing Technology. Throughout her leadership she was assigned an Executive Coach from HQ and joined Women Leadership and Advancement Program which later inspire her to become a Professional Coach. She is still actively consulting in the area of Customer Data & Marketing Technology Platform, and helping Women Leaders to become Coach and Mentor for others.

Coaching Specialization : Communication Skills, Health/Wellness, Interpersonal Relationship, Job/Career Change, Organizational Leadership Development, Personal Growth, Self Confidence, Strategic Thinking/Planning, Work-Life Balance, Peak Performance
Type of Client : Personal and Organizational
Credential : PCC
Fluent Languages : Indonesian, English
Personal Website :
Status : Active


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